Better Beef

“Maybe it is because you provide beautiful pastures that have a variety of grasses that the cows freely graze. Maybe it is because you cultivate a peaceful environment, free of noise, distraction or any form of stress for the animals. Maybe it is the Mozart that you play for the cows — because I saw how mellow they were when the music was on – they gravitate toward it. Maybe it is your decades of experience in medicine that allows you to assess and manage their diet and veterinary needs with ease and efficiency. Maybe it is the high standards that you set and maintain on the farm — each and every day. Maybe it is your true love of farming, and how you truly put your heart into each and every decision related to your farm and your herd. Maybe it is all of these things together.

The end product is simply superior to anything I have ever purchased in any store. After tasting it, I am a bit ruined for anything else. It tastes consistently better, mellower, yummier and just more like beef should taste. I wish I had a better vocabulary, because my words are not doing justice here to what you have accomplished.” ~ Tasha K. S.