Farm to Table

Fast food was not a thing when I was young. As the burger joints started popping up they were more of a novelty, not the daily source for meals they are today for many people. The convenience of a drive-through is alluring, especially as our lives seem to get busier and more hectic each year. And why is that? Wasn’t the idea of modern marvels like washing machines, dishwashers, computers and such meant to make tasks easier? If anything, work, and the number of ways we are pulled this way and that have made our lives busier.

As you can imagine, I am pleased to see the growing popularity of the Farm to Table movement.  It’s high time we reexamine where our food comes from and how it is made. Yes, the burger from the chain is tasty, but isn’t a burger fresh off the grill, made from local beef that is not full of unwanted antibiotics, that has not been shipped several times to be processed, formed, frozen, stored, cooked and then then wrapped in paper a better option?

You just said how busy we all are.... Yes, I did.  But, I’m also seeing first-hand, how easy it is to make fresh meals at home. Basic ingredients and using a crock pot or letting a roast slowly cook in the oven while I tackle any number of chores, rewards me with a meal that I have had complete control over, is fresh as possible, and delicious.  

If fast food has become a constant in your life, I encourage you to make a change. Start small if you like, swap two take always for two homemade meals, of locally sourced ingredients a week.