Rump Roast Saves the Day, Twice

We all have it, the dreaded to-do list.  Work, chores, and for many of you, children to shuffle about to school, their activities, and to see their friends. Our days are often full, leaving little time to cook.  Thankfully, a rump roast and a crock pot is all you need to have a delicious meal, or two.  

A thawed rump roast was accompanied by beef broth, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. The pantry was a bit sparse: that was all I had on hand. But I was not worried. In the morning I awoke to a roast that was so tender, it fell apart with a gentle nudge of a fork.   After the dish cooled, it was sent to the fridge to wait out the day. That evening, I removed what little fat that had risen to the top and set the roast and its sauce to heat over the lowest flame my gas stove can muster. As it gently warmed, fingerling potatoes, tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper were placed in a glass baking dish and sprinkled with Italian bread crumps and parmesan cheese. As the potatoes cooked and took on a golden crispy finish, the sauce cooked down a bit and the beef continued to fall apart with ease. 

That night we dined well, with little time dedicated to cooking.

Night two was another save, for the left over roast was accompanied by cheese tortellini and fresh parmesan cheese. I know, not a typical pairing, but we loved it. Another option, perhaps more to your liking, would be egg noodles or gnocchi.

We work awfully hard, let’s be sure to give ourselves the homemade meals we deserve and need, to be our best.