Unravelling the Story

I’m just one in, what I hope will be a long line of custodians of the farm. I knew when I purchased this land I was not the first owner. The home dates back to 1895. So of course others came before me. But as I was starting this new career, my second life if you will, as a boutique farmer, I was focused on the animals, the land, and all the responsibilities that come with both. Recently, a chance encounter reminded me of the role I am playing in the the long history of this place. A gentlemen delivering packages shared that his family once owned the land. A brief conversation had us sharing stories and making plans to meet, the previous owners and myself, at the farm. I can’t wait to hear what their life was like when they were working this little slice of heaven.  I’m most curious, as you may imagine, as to the meals they made. I’m eager to find out if they have family recipes to share with me that I can continue making here at the farm, and perhaps share with you all as well. 

Taking a moment to acknowledge the history of this farm reinforces the importance, the need, to preserve this land as a working farm. I want to save and carry forward to the next owner, when that time comes, the legacy of this place. Now my life on this farm is more than caring for the herd, it’s unearthing, preserving, and passing along the history of the land and the people who lived here.